Sakhalin, a Dream of Ancient Times, and Earthquakes

The first barrier to be broken in meditation is time, because mind transcends time and space. How does that work in practice? Here’s an example from my own experience.

One night I was wondering where some of my ancestors came from a long, long, long time ago in the far distant past. So I asked the question in prayer before going to sleep, and just before I woke up in the morning, I had an amazing dream that showed me the far distant past.

The dream began with me looking at a big atlas (book of maps of the world, for those of you who didn’t know that, or forgot). First I was looking at the Azores at a specific latitude and longitude – the remnants of the sunken continent of Atlantis.

I flipped the page and was looking at Sakhalin north of Korea. As I looked at Sakhalin, I saw a bow and arrow and a man who looked like an Aboriginee from Australia – one of my presumed ancestors from the far distant past. I could also see that at that time Sakhalin had a tropical climate – there were tropical plants and big flowers.

As the dream ended and I was about to open my eyes to wake up, I was literally, vocally saying the word “Sakhalin,” which I had never heard of before. I got up and looked it up and discovered that in fact the dream was correct in showing me the map of Sakhalin, which is really today named “Sakhalin.”

That very day Sakhalin was featured in the news, because there had been an earthquake in Sakhalin. “What a coincidence!” I thought. Was there a causal relationship between  my question, the dream in response, from which I had awoken with the word, “Sakhalin” on my lips – that I had never previously heard of or known about, and the earthquake!?

Do questions and prayers about the distant past  . . . cause earthquakes?!

1 thought on “Sakhalin, a Dream of Ancient Times, and Earthquakes

  1. Abstract
    The wide distribution of a thermophilic flora in north-eastern Asia during the Eocene is a striking and somewhat unexpected feature in the history of the palaeoflora of this region. Since the end of the Late Cretaceous and the beginning of the Paleogene there was a temperate mesophilic deciduous flora of the ancient Arctic type. But in the Middle Eocene sharp changes occurred in the systematic composition of floristic assemblages. This was the result of extensive invasions of warm-adapted plants (including of the palm Sabal) that had been caused by the global warming of climate. The thermophilic element of apparently North American origin migrated via Beringia to north-eastern Asia. But at the end of the Middle Eocene the thermophilic flora died out almost entirely and was replaced by a temperate mesophilic flora of a coniferous — broad-leaved type. Cooperative international exploration of these palaeofloras of the climatic optimum would help clarify our understanding of the history of the plant kingdom, improve palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic reconstructions and assist in solving practical aspects of eco- and phytostratigraphy of the continental deposits involved.


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